Sunday, March 15, 2020

Family Homework

It's a bird! It's a plane! Tonight.....look up at the sky, what do you see? Let me know tomorrow at group time! We will compare what we saw in the sky! This will be incorporated in this week's lesson. Make sure to review your child's newsletter for more information.

Germs, Germs Stay Away~

Today we did a special lesson on the importance of washing our hands. Every child received a stamp at the beginning of the school day. The goal was to wash away the stamp by the end of the day. Every child succeeded and learned how to properly wash their hands! Ask your child to show you what they learned today!

Easter Party!

Our Easter party will be Thursday, April 9th from 10:00-1:00. We will be having fun with games and crafts, hunting eggs and enjoying a picnic on the playground. All parents are welcome to come and join in on the fun!

Homework Schedule

Homework is assigned every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday in addition to reading. This is to help your child practice the skills they are learning in the classroom! Let's work together to make sure every child succeeds!

Don't Forget to Read!

Make sure your child is reading 20 minutes every night. Have fun!

Welcome to 2nd Grade!

Hello and welcome to 2nd grade! It is going to be a fun year of learning and memories!

Family Homework

It's a bird! It's a plane! Tonight.....look up at the sky, what do you see? Let me know tomorrow at group time! We will compare what...